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Airport Information Systems – AIS

The Triad of Airport Management - Operations (AFIDS), Finance (ALDIS) and Experience (FIDSNet) Background

Triad of Airport Management- Operation, Finance, and Experience

Just like a business entity, an airport has a lot of different operations going on parallelly, which the airport operators optimise regularly. What might seem like small, independent tasks, ultimately add to the broader operations of an airport. All of these tasks fall under the triad of airport management – Operations, Finance, and Passenger Experience. 

With the number of people opting for air travel only increasing, effective management of this triad ensures the smooth functionality of the airport and a positive impact on both airlines and travelers. 

The three pillars of airport management – Finance, Operations, and Passenger Experience

Seamless airport management relies on the synchronous triad of Operations, Finance, and Experience. These three pillars, like the corners of a triangle, provide the foundation for a thriving airport.

ALDIS or Airport Landing Dues Information System optimizes both aeronautical and non-aeronautical revenue streams. Handling landing fees, parking charges, and more, ALDIS ensures financial clarity for airports, paving the way for sustainable growth.

AFIDS or Airport Flight Information Display System ensures the smooth functioning of airport operations, from real-time flight updates to coordinating ground movements.

FIDSNet or Flight Information Display System Network, at the forefront of passenger experience, and enhances passenger experience, from departure gate information to baggage claims.

Here’s exactly how Airport Information Systems ensures the seamless management of these three pillars:

Financial Planning with ALDIS

Airport Landing Dues Information System (ALDIS) is the financial brain of AIS, addressing the complexities of aeronautical billing.

ALDIS has three main functions – Aeronautical Billing, Ledger Accounting, Reports & Audits

Aeronautical Billing

Aeronautical billing includes collecting fees/charges for any service that the airport provides to the aircraft in the airport, and the aircraft that use the airspace of that particular airport. This includes landing fees, fuel charges, tower charges, various taxes, other service fees, etc.

Ledger Accounting

Nowadays, the accounting component of almost all businesses are automated, including the business of airlines, and various airport ancillaries.

They use popular accounting software such as SAP, SUN Accounting, Pegasus, etc.

Due to this, in order to reduce the effort of our clients to manage their billing, we have enabled ALDIS to seamlessly integrate with the most popular accounting softwares available in the market. This increases efficiency, as well as accuracy as there need not be any manual input from the user. All the bills are automatically imported to the software of your choice.

Reports & Audits

Audit is an essential part of bookkeeping, and bookkeeping is an essential part of any business. In order to make data extraction and reporting seamless for our end-user, ALDIS has a data extraction tool built-in to the software. This ensures that all the data entered into the system can be analyzed to aid in airport management. This data can be exported in a .csv format to easily import into Excel, PowerBI, and other popular analytics software.

Successfully implemented in over thirty airports globally, ALDIS allows airports to configure discounts, surcharges, and commercial target incentives. The software’s integration with standard financial management systems like SAP, SUN Accounting, and others ensures accuracy in financial reporting and compliance with mandatory requirements. ALDIS not only streamlines financial processes but also enhances revenue management through its robust invoicing capabilities.

Like any business, finance can make or break the success of any airport, make sure that all of your airport’s finances are in order with ALDIS.

Optimising Operations with AFIDS

Complementing ALDIS, the Airport Flight Information Display System (AFIDS) adds a layer of synchronized efficiency to your airport operations. AFIDS manages core airport operations such as Air Traffic Control, Handling Agents, Refuellers, and Flight Operations.

Here are the different aspects that AFIDS can help manage at your airport, thereby achieving operational efficiency:

Cash Invoicing

Generates accurate invoices for cash transactions.


Manages slot times, aircraft delays & time management, procures flight details, etc.

Fuel System

Manages Jet A1, AVGAS, and various oils, including the calculation of VAT for Jet A1 at two different levels.

Handling Agent System

Manages information entered by airlines/handling agents such as Block on/off times, schedule revisions, pax and freight information, etc.

Apron Management

Helps the ATC direct aircraft to the proper air bridge, allocates stands, etc

Security Sentinel & Gate Guardian

Verifies e-boarding passes.

AFIDS supports real-time data entry, facilitating efficient management of fuel dockets, block-on/block-off times, aircraft registrations, runway usage, services, and arrival/departure times. 

With dynamic Flight Processing screens customized for each department’s specific needs, AFIDS ensures accurate and prompt data entry.

This real-time data collection is not just about streamlining operations but forms the backbone for the entire AIS ecosystem.

Enhancing Passenger Experience with FIDSnet

Completing the triad is the Flight Information Display System Network (FIDSnet), which takes the passenger experience to new heights. FIDSnet is a network of monitors and screens across the airport, which transforms how information is displayed – from arrivals and departures to check-in desks, gates, and carousels. 

FIDSNet displays information ranging from aircraft arrivals and departures to advertisements, and everything in between. Here are a few features that we believe are incredible:

Multi-Sector Origin/Destination Support

Supporting up to six multi-sector origin/destination airports, FIDSnet caters to the needs of international airports with diverse flight routes. The scrolling information feature ensures that all relevant details are accessible as needed.

Bilingual Flight Remarks

Recognizing the global nature of air travel, FIDSnet supports bilingual flight remarks. This inclusive feature ensures that information is accessible to passengers of diverse linguistic backgrounds.

Banner Advertisements and Airport Messages

FIDSnet transforms static display screens into dynamic communication platforms. Advertisements and important airport messages can be seamlessly integrated, providing an additional revenue stream for airports and timely information for passengers.

With that said, we can confidently say that FIDSnet is the beacon that guides passengers through their airport journey.

With advanced features such as logo fading for code-share flights, support for multi-sector origin/destination airports, and bilingual flight remarks, FIDSnet ensures a visually appealing and informative display. Moreover, by utilizing the latest display technologies like Android TVs and Smart Boxes, FIDSnet offers a cost-effective solution for airports to enhance the overall passenger experience.

Airport Information System’s Integrated Product Suite

The integration of AFIDS, ALDIS, and FIDSnet by AIS forms a powerful triad that not only optimizes airport operations and finances but also elevates the overall passenger experience. The synergy between these systems ensures operational efficiency, financial precision, and passenger satisfaction, not as isolated elements but as interconnected facets of a well-oiled machine, that is your airport.

Right from taking off, to landing, and beyond, AIS’ product suite ensures that your airport is managed properly.

By embracing AIS, airports can revolutionize their approach to management, fostering an environment where operational excellence, financial integrity, and a delightful passenger experience converge seamlessly, paving the way for the future of aviation management.

Conclusion (TLDR)

AIS streamlines your airport operations by integrating operations, finance, and passenger experience. ALDIS simplifies aeronautical billing and accounting by generating bills,  invoices and reports. It also integrates with most popular accounting softwares, thereby saving time. AFIDS optimizes airport operations with functionalities ranging from cash invoicing, to air traffic control, and apron management, facilitating in real-time, accurate data entry. FIDSNet completes the triad by transforming the passenger experience by offering features that any passenger would find extremely helpful – such as bilingual flight remarks, multi-sector origin/destination, etc.

Together, AIS product suite creates a powerful ecosystem that enhances the entire airport journey – from financial management to operational efficiency and passenger satisfaction.

The future is now.

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